I am an applied economist and currently a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Chicago (BFI, Development Innovation Lab - Prof. Michael Kremer). My PhD in Economics is from the University of Bologna.
My research lies at the intersection of economic development, economic history, and spatial economics. In my work, I try to shed light on the roots of observed differences in comparative economic development and what can be done about them. My projects also intersect with issues in environmental and urban economics. I have also done some work in (applied) econometrics and have experience in working with quantitative spatial economic models.
In 2018, I won the biennial Young Researcher Award of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). A copy of my CV can be found here.
PhD in Economics
University of Bologna
MSc in Economics
WU Vienna
CRAN Github website vignette: basics vignette: shifting borders
Resources for courses I co-taught or TA’d